Hello Instagrammers, and future influencers! 

We are here to rescue your Instagram profiles and those hanging desires to maintain your social presence.  

To help you and your brand with Instagram marketing, nothing seems more magical than Hashtags. We all know that Instagram Hashtags have the power to either make or break your Digital Marketing Strategies forever, but to play this game right, it’s important to know the rules. 

So read on and let us spell some real logic behind its intense magic!

Now the question arises: What brings us to write a dedicated blog over it?

Actually, there are bits and pieces scattered over the internet with some awesome hacks and behind the scene secrets of Instagram Hashtags, but not everyone puts the whole recipe together in one place!

Here is the list of super-easy, yet exciting topics we are going to understand today: 

  • Things you need to Implement in Profile, Before Using Hashtags 
  • Types of Hashtags
  • How Many Instagram Hashtags to Use?
  • How to Hide Hashtags
  • Steps to Choose Hashtags

So, grab your cup of coffee, wear your comfy socks, and let’s start.

First, some ‘Before Using Instagram Hashtags’ Gossips…

*Let us boast some truth about us* 
We have worked on an overloaded box of client profiles-known, unknown, new, old but the biggest & common issues we come across is that people don’t even have their profile aligned in a way to grow properly. (Honestly, it used to annoy us much, but then we understood the bigger problem behind it- lack of basic knowledge)

Few important and mandatory things that should be completed beforehand, in order to use & grow with Instagram Hashtags, are:
Privacy – The ladder to grow is to invite more guests. So, make sure your Profile Should be ‘Public.’ 

Username – Username should be easy to remember and should stand like a brand. (Ex. Sandhyachoudhary.official)

Profile Picture – Nail this one like a brand logo! It should be nice and clear. It can’t be clicked, so you need to have a Picture with a visible face/ logo.

Instagram Bio Description – Be short and sassy! Write a Clear yet loud Instagram Bio that sums you up like in seconds. You Don’t Need to Include Hashtag here.

Story Highlights – Create Story Highlights with the name of Collabs, Shoots, Venues, Teams, etc.

Clear Tip: Keep 5+ Designs pre-edited – Whenever a new idea kicks in, you have a canvas to draw and share instantly!

Let’s now deep dive into the types of Instagram Hashtags.

Yeah, they do exist! Not only that, but Instagram Hashtag also comes with types. Here we are going to list five types of Instagram hashtags with examples that will help you in the best manner.

Brand Hashtags

I hope the name has cleared itself of what is going to be in it. You should have them in your Instagram Hashtags list like we do: #Infojerk #InfojerkMarketing etc. Treat your name as a label; make your parents proud. 

Product / Service Hashtags

Product or Service Hashtags simply means that the hashtags of products or services you are using in your post, like #NykaaProducts #AddidasTShirts, etc. Accentuate your love for brands and flourish it in style!  

Niche/ Industry Hashtags

These Hashtags simply consist of the hashtags in the niche of your post. Like whenever we post regarding social media, we use #DigitalMarketing #InstagramMarketing, etc. Also, this can make you famous amongst the creative community!

Event/Holiday Hashtags

Event or Holiday Hashtags stands for some specific posts like there is a festival or event in your country or worldwide & you are going to post over this festival, then you should include that event in hashtags, like #WorldDanceDay #WorldPhotographyDay, etc. This also makes scope for some of the best photography ideas, creativity, and colors to play with. 

Location Hashtags

Location Hashtags simply stands for using the hashtags ‘where you were’ or ‘where you are’ while posting, like #DubaiMall #Haryana, etc. This can flaunt your passion for travel and let bands/customers know if you are approachable in their radius or not.

Daily / Trending Hashtags

Daily or Trending Hashtags related to the current situation in your state, country or worldwide, for example, #Lockdown #AssamFloods, etc. *Bonus it also increases your current affairs knowledge for sure*

How to Hide Instagram Hashtags…

They don’t look bad, but you know… They don’t look good, either! Here are some methods which can help your post have enough hashtags without disturbing the glory of description!

Basically, there are two ways to hide Hashtags in Caption:

  • Use Three Dot Methods – Here, you don’t need to show the Hashtags in your caption; rather, just write the simple caption, add three dots in a vertical manner & then add your hashtags. It works on the theory that Instagram just shows the first 150 characters & no one has the real-time to click on “…Read More” until they love you, madly!
  • Don’t Write Hashtags in Captions at all – Yeah, you can hide your hashtags by not showing them into your caption, or else write them into your comment box; after one or two comments shared by your followers.

Which Instagram Hashtags to Be Used…

Finally, this is the question that you were waiting for! To find the best hashtags for your Instagram post, isn’t it? So, don’t worry here we are going to add a proper plan designed in a way to rank the “top posts” of mostly used hashtags.

But keep in mind that there is no limit to using the hashtag except for more than 30. But make sure that the included Hashtags have a proper volume, consisting of each type of hashtags.

Before following the guide, you need to understand these two terms:

Post Count – Whenever you click on any hashtags, it gives out “Some number of posts.”

Top Posts – Whenever you click on a Hashtag, so you see two tabs with the name of Top & Recent respectively, here we are talking about Top sections posts. 

So, Let’s Start:

You Brand Hashtags 

  • These Hashtags Should not be more than 2 in number.
  • Post Count on these Hashtags don’t need to vary because it’s only for your brand.
  • For Example: #Infojerk & #InfojerkMarketing

Related to Post Hashtags (Low Post Count)

  • These Hashtags Should be less than 5 in number.
  • Post Count on these Hashtags Should be in 10K.
  • For Example: #FacebookMarketingGuide & #FacebookGuideBlog

Related to Post Hashtags (High Post Count)

  • These Hashtags Should be less than 5 in number
  • Post Count on these Hashtags Should be in 50K.
  • For Example: #FacebookMarketer & #FacebookMarketing

Location Hashtags (Low Post Count)

  • These Hashtags Should not be more than 5 in number. 
  • Post Count on these Hashtags Should be within 50K.
  • For Example: #IndianFacebookMarketers & #NewDelhi or #LasVegasPub

Products/Services Hashtags (Low Post Count)

  • These Hashtags Should not be more than 5 in number. 
  • Post Count on these Hashtags Should be between 50K to 100K.
  • For Example: #DigitalMarketingGuide & #InternetMarketingGuide

General Hashtags (Low Post Count)

  • These Hashtags Should not be more than 5 in number.
  • Post Count on these Hashtags does not vary, because it’s General & everyone is using it.
  • For Example: #OnThisDay & #ThingtoKnow #Instagraphers

Caution: Your creativity needed; you might need to adjust them and play in your own Way!


Oh! Does that end here? 

Yes, that’s all! Instagram Hashtags needs nothing but your understanding. We hope that you utilize the knowledge of this guide to establish your powerful Instagram Empire and grow organically anytime. 
The community is amazing, and there are no ends for creativity on this platform! If it’s something you have found very easy or new, don’t forget to share it ahead to your friends as well.

In case if you face any issues while reading or understanding anything, feel free to disturb us in the comment section. We would love to help the rising stars.

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