People are unique, and so are situations, thus creating the need to be fluid in their leadership approach. There are many styles of leadership; however, there is no one style that can be perfect in all situations. One needs to be extremely flexible when leading different types of people under different kinds of circumstances. However, there are some styles that are more effective than others.
Great leaders constantly keep evolving into better leaders of tomorrow, for they understand the impact they have on the teams and the organizations’ success. The way a leader directs his/her people and implements plans can either motivate or demotivate them. It comprises the entire pattern of the stated and the unstated actions made by the leader. The key to learning the Art of Leading is to keep both the organization’s and its employees’ benefit in mind, and constantly acts to ensure it remains the same.
There are nine primary Art of Leading styles which, when used at the right time, can have very constructive results. At the same time, there are some styles which are more effective, and some which we should avoid.