UNESCO Sites of Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has ambitions to be a global tourism destination in line with its Vision 2030 of welcoming 100 million visitors to the country. Among the attractions long closed off to much of the world are its historic heritage sites and UNESCO from 2008-2021 has recognized six such places as World Heritage sites. Together these sites tell the story of universal importance of humankind’s evolution and migration out of Africa and the fascinating transformation of Arabian Peninsula for over a millennia – from the wonders of the world’s largest collection of prehistoric petroglyphs, the mysterious rock-carved tombs of the ancient Nabatean city of Hegra and the world’s largest and oldest oasis to the mud-brick settlement that is the birthplace of the modern Saudi state and the unique merchant mansions of historic Jeddah, for centuries the gateway to the holy city of Makkah are Saudi Arabia’s priceless heritage treasures waiting to be discovered.
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Knowledgeable 👍🏻 - Navneet Thakur (Tek Travels DMCC (TBOHolidays))